Thursday, February 19, 2009

Plane in Chaos

The following Monday, my parents had to go on a church retreat to Texas. Vacations are non-existent to my parents. Growing up, we could only vacation Mondays through Wednesdays or Thursdays through Saturdays so that we didn't miss church. I know... Anyway, my dad is finally getting better about that sort of thing so I am sure they were looking forward to San Antonio. I was looking forward to a house by myself with no one yelling up the stairs, complete strangers doing their laundry, or mom complaining about my dogs. They called me to give me last minute instructions about unimportant things right before they got on the plane.
30 Minutes later I noticed my mom calling...

Me " Hmmm that's weird a flight to Atlanta takes an hour...Hello?"

Mom- "Hey they emergency landed our plane"

Me- "What!!!!!"

Mom- " yeah they emergency landed our plane"

Me- " are you okay?"

Mom- "Yeah but your father is bugging me"

*Note To Gentlemen- If you just almost died in a plane crash- don't annoy your wife*

Me- " So What Happened"

Mom- " Well the plane was shaking like we had turbulence and it was a sunny, clear day. Then the pilot came on and said that he was having trouble controlling the plane and we were going to emergency land in Savannah."

Me- " The pilot actually told you he had trouble controlling the plane"

Mom- " Yes, but get this. The Head of HR for the company was on our plane and he tried to find us a new plane. And this guy that won the Masters two years was on the plane. Your father recognized him in the airport."

Another Note- My father is golf obsessed. And if God took him out, going down with a PGA player who won the Master's would satisfy him.

But notice, my mom almost died in a plane crash and she's telling me who famous was on the flight with her :)

Me-" Well do you want me to come get you?"

Mom- " No your father is on the phone re-arranging our flights."

Me-" Well what are you going to do"

Mom- " well your father is saying they are busing us to Atlanta"

Me- " Are you ok?"

Mom- "Yeah but I was praying BIG TIME as that plane was going to land and I saw all of the Fire Trucks and Ambulances on the runway waiting on us"

Me" OMG- that would freak me out."

So the next day we repeated this conversation:
Me-" I still can't believe your plane almost crashed. I would have been a wreck"

Mom-" Yeah but I just felt a peace as we were landing that it wasn't my time and I had more to do"

Me- "Wait a minute..."

Only my mother would interpret her near death experience as a To Do List from God.

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