Monday, February 23, 2009

Sister in the Cosmos

The smartest person I know is my sister- hands down. She can learn things without even being shown, makes As in her sleep, and can solve analytical problems in half the time a normal person would take to think it through.

With that said, she would not remember her childhood unless I was around. I don't know if it was that awful or what the deal is...cause she has blocked us out. It's like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- Brandt Version. I always have to entice her into a memory.
Me-"Hey remember that time when Papa decided he didn't want to clean the leaves off of the roof and he put us on there when mom was at work and convinced us it was a game?"

Mollie- Completely Blank Stare

Me- "Come on.. you remember when mom pulled up and the look on her face when she realized how close her girls were to instant death because of her lazy husband?"

Mollie- wrinkles her nose trying to remember

Me- " Ok I was about 10- you were 8, and it was at the Hartwell house"

Mollie- " Ummm I remember something like that"

Me-" We just got home from school. There was a creek behind our house and an old swingset"

Mollie- "Oh Yeah. Mom sure was pissed at Papa wasn't she?"

Every Single Memory happens like this. It is rare my sister remembers something that I did not.

Like Today:
She was talking about this cat blocking her driveway because it caught it's prey with it's paws through the fence. The cat was in a lose-lose situation.

Me-" Hey do you remember the cat that attacked you when you saved the Chipmunk from it."

Mollie- "Yeah Buttons."

Me-" Wait you remember that stupid cat's name, but you don't remember half of our childhood"

Mollie- starts laughing because she does not have an argument

Me-" I would say it's trauma, but you don't remember anything. Like when mom went through depression, would get in the car, and yell that she was leaving all of us."

Mollie- "Mom did that?"

Me- " Are you serious? You were like 10"

Mollie- "Are you sure?"

Me- "Hey Mom (she was walking in the room) Do you remember when you used to tell us you were leaving us, and get in the car and drive for a few hours?"

Mom- very nonchalant- "Yeah"

Mollie- "Did she just say yeah- just like that"

Me- "Yep"

Mom- realizing she should defend herself- "Well no one would leave me alone"

Me-" So threatening to leave your husband and children and driving in a car for a few hours solved that?"

Mom-" Well it worked."

Me-"Obviously, if your younger daughter completely blocked out the memory"

Mollie-"Hey.... in her defense children do drive you insane"

Mom-" Hey it only happened 3 or 4 times"


Mollie-who obviously still doesn't remember- "Hey let me tell you what Audrey did"

Audrey is my 4 year old niece who is going to be a beauty in the family, but is the weirdest kids...hands down. She looks like my mom spit her out, and has Mollie and I's combined bad traits.

Mollie-" So I put her in time out and she gets mad at me. She tells me she wants Mom Mom (my mother). She tells me she is going to Mom Mom's house (constant threat by the way) and she wants Mom Mom, Pop Pop (my Dad), Memiss (me), Meena (my dog), Bella(my dog), and Giant Girl Dog. Giant Girl Dog is Angel the Cocker Spaniel mix that I adopted from Animal Control a few months ago.The dog is little and sweet so Giant Girl Dog is a hilarious name.

Mollie lost it at this point and started laughing. Audrey summons up all 4 years and declares "Why are you laughing... this is serious!"

Mollie told me- she can't even remember that dog's name, but she wants her more than her own mother.

Well, if the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Audrey will have absolutely no recollection of this.

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